Frumpy Gets Some Love by benjy_18

By diyauto
( 2 )

4 minute(s) of a 177 minute read


well as the weather outside is so inconsistant today, i havent been getting a lot done ;D

however i have managed to find a suitable colour for the car (peugeot seville) but i think if i get it done at a bodyshop i will get them to add something to brighten it up a little as it looks a little flat

heres a few photos of the paint on the back of the seats

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ive also finished tubbing both of the arches excetpt for grinding down the welds and painting over them etc.


got a few coats of paint on my front subframe earlier, theres loads of runs but its only temporary as ill be making myself a tubular front and rear frame.

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and i acquired some sheet metal aswell

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should come in handy for a few patches.

and there may be a change in the colour scheme. im torn between the paint scheme in my sig and this blue instead of the orange

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got myself a new run a round so progress will slow while im getting that finished how i want it

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finally got on and done some work today! not very many photos as i left my phone inside so i could get on with the work and not get distracted by anything.

new outer sill is on, just needs the welds dressand and its finished. sunday i will get on and fit the new doorstep and then that side of the car is pretty much complete!!!

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im also thinking about replacing the rear lights with a setup similiar to this (sorry to whoevers photo it is for stealing it)

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comments welcome


spent 3-4 hours prepping the car ready for the new doorstep repair to be welded into place, couple of little things i have to make and weld in first but hopefully if the weather is nice tomorrow ill be able to get that side of the car finished!


took apart my rear subframe today so that i could mess around with the fit and modify it to sit over the new fuel tank recess in the boot floor.

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once i get some CDS i will weld in a new rear brace and i can get the subframe blasted and coated then built up.


Nice build!

Posted by Diggymart on 11/26/21 @ 8:22:03 PM