The Wifes Worst Nightmare 83 Full Resto by Minidarren83

By diyauto
( 3 )

2 minute(s) of a 192 minute read


got a little update

i managed to get in the garage after work today for an hour or so and set about gringing down all the plug welds from the other day on the doorstep and it came out nice stripped the rest down to bare metal and then primed up

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then it was time to plug in the heal board stiffener bracket and for good measure i put a one inch seam on each side

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and just beacause i am so pleased with how neat the welds came out i took a close up lol

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then i moved on to the last piece in this area which was the inner sill stiffener i didnt keep the origonal as it was past even taking messurements from so just copied roughtly what i did on the other side made the bends in the workmate bench and made the final lift bends for the tang with some pliars and then stripped it all down to bare metal again and punched in the locations for the plug welds then realised i had put them on the wrong lip :angry: so redone them on the correct side and drilled them out and plugged it in i think it looks just perfect and saved myself £12 not much but its a saving

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none of these welds need dressing down as they will never be seen so i just wire brushed and primed and that is all for today


Wow what a build!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/17/20 @ 10:10:34 PM