Wide Ratio Gearbox And 1380 Engine Build by AndyMiniMad

By diyauto
( 2 )

6 minute(s) of a 171 minute read


Ive been in the garage all day building up the engine, thats the crank, pistons, drops, and flywheel all sorted, I had a hell of a job getting the RE13 OT cam timed in. It didnt seem to matter how much I adjusted the duplex timing gear I couldnt get it bang on. Eventually I checked the DTI guage and discovered a bit of dirt in the top of the inlet push rod for No1 piston, It was giving false readings. Anyway thats it all done now, Ive set it at 102 deg ATDC. I decided to use the timing chain tensioner this time even though it dosent really fit properly on the duplex chain.

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So thats it all fixed. I really hope this is the last rebuild for a while. Ill let you all know if the new drop gears do the trick.


Ive stripped the car out today. just the subframes and glass to remove now. Soon be ready for paint..


Doors off and front subframe off! "Haggis" is now on a pallet with casters. Two fixed and two twirly round ones. It is really easy to whoosh him around on it. Will drop the rear subframe tomorrow and that will be him almost ready for paint. Im really looking forward to getting the spray gun out!! Ive never used one before!! But really... How hard can it be???


I managed to grt the rear subframe off this morning. :mrcool: forgot to dissconnect the hand brake cable, Im such a ******* sometimes... :P 

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Then I cut off the lip of the front wings and made a new lip. The wheels were rubbing slightly so thpought this was a good time to get it sorted.

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He looks a bit sorry for himself with no wheels or doors. :o 

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But soon he will be getting a nice new coat off paint, If I can get my head around how to work this thing.

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Instructions are a bit vague to say the least. I powered it up it started to fill with air, After about 3-4 mins the gauge was showing 150psi and then whoosh a lot of air rushed out of somewhere for a few seconds. Ive turned it off for now, will ask at the shop on monday. Maybe some sort of saftey valve or something..


Im going to line the garage with plastic sheeting. Leave the heating on for a week to warm up the shell and then give it a go. Never done it before so hope it turns out ok. It has to be better than the rattle can job I did last year.


All plans on hold this week!!! Cant belive it snowing again!! Dammed you weather....(runs outside to shake fist at sky)..


Hooray!! the big orange blob of warmth has returned to the north of scotland!!! pulled the shell onto the drive and gave it a clean with the presure washer.

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Started to weld up the holes in the wings where the arches were fitted and bang!!!The welder blew up!! I cant believe the luck im having recently.. So thats me off to the shops to get a new welder. Im going to treat myself to one of those self darkening masks. Ill get this thing finished one day..


So thats al the holes welded up. The self darkening mask thing is great. no more going blind because i forgot to move the visor down. I painted the bottom of Haggis and then thought it might look nice with a blue subframe. 

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Im not sure about it now its on though.


New Rockers arrived today!! WOO HOO!! will slap them on tomorrow. Not done much to the shell this past couple of weks because ive been busy at work. But did manage to get the front subby painted.

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Hi. So the rockers are on..Set the gaps to 16 thou..

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Spent for ever with the wet and dry...Rub Rub Rub. my hands are a mess.. but Haggis has now got a good key for the new paint.

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Used etch primer on the arches. Then gave the engine bay a quick coat of red.

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Next job was to fit the front subframe. It was a pig to get the bolts all lined up and then when i went to put the tower bolts in i realised id forgotten to place the pollybush spacers on the top of the towers. >_< So off it all came again and refitted properly.

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And finaly a couple of pics of the rear subframe. Its not as nice and blue as the front one because its covered in waxoil.

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So tomorrow im going to build up the front suspension and runing gear. A rolling shell by the end of the weekend is my goal.


Haggis is a rolling shell again, WOO HOO....I know ive gone to far with the painting of the suspension bits, and no one will ever see them, well apart from anyone looking at this. Pictures as promised.

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What do you think, to much?


Nice details!

Posted by Diggymart on 5/20/20 @ 6:21:55 PM