Step By Step Engine Build, No Waffel, Just Building.. by AndyMiniMad

By diyauto
( 2 )

3 minute(s) of a 40 minute read


Once I had fitted the idler gear I cleaned out the transfer housing and the gasket surfaces.

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Then a bit of masking tape over the primary drive splines.

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Im sure you lot know that this is to stop the splines damaging the oil seal as you fit the transfer case..I pressed in a new seal and placed the gasket on the case..

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And then pushed the whole thing onto the engine...It should just slide on nice and smoothly, if it wont go on the last wee bit then dont be tempted to bash it on. just pull it off and try again. Its probobly the nose bearing not seating properly. Once its on I torqued the bolts up to 35nm.. Be carefull with the bolts as the ones that go into the block are a different thread than the ones that go into the gearbox...fine thread (block) course thread (gearbox).

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The red plastic dust shield then slides over the primary drive and protects the oil seal..

Ive cleaned up a flywheel, its a standard weight one, and fitted a new clutch plate.

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I use an old Mains bearing to lock up the flywheel so I can tighten everyting up.

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All fitted and the big nut torqued up to 203nm, (150lb).

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I also got the cam nut torqued up to 90nm and bent the lock tab over..I cleaned up the wok and copper greased the plunger.

All together..Timing chain cover will be next, once ive cleaned and modified it...

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