Monty the Rwd R1 engined tarmac eating Minus by Alburglar

By diyauto
( 2 )

2 minute(s) of a 160 minute read


Been doing loads of DIY around the house ready for crimbo so only small "I'm just nipping out to th garage for a minute" jobs done lately.
Because of the way I've run evrerything my water hoses poked out a little further than the exhaust tunnel, so I've made a scratch plate to keep it all neat and out of harms way.

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Also finally got round to rivieting on my anchor nuts for the rear and side windows, so they can be easily removed. For the rear window I used M5 anchor nuts.

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Looks quite neat from the outside

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Space was an issue for the side windows so I've used m3 anchor nuts and really little rivets.

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Looks really neat. You can hardly tell they're there.

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Very cool build!

Posted by Diggymart on 2/5/20 @ 8:09:06 PM