The Snowball Saga - '68 Standard Revitalization Project by Blitz

By diyauto
( 4 )

4 minute(s) of a 767 minute read


Haha yeah, it's just sitting on the floor. I have a kit to restore the steering wheel but am waiting until things are further along, since it will need to be man handled around for a while.

Got the rear window in last night, need to finish sealing though. The fit was not as tight as the windshield was, so I'll need to use lots of goop around the outside to make sure it won't leak. Which leads me to a question - do I need to apply sealant from inside the car also, or is it enough to do the outside perimeters of the rubber? This stuff is a beyotch to use / clean up. Also, install trim clips before or after? Seems like before would be easier...


Finally, here's one of the videos I've been talking about doing... headliner installation! Other videos in the works are the vinyl top installation, the front end / suspension upgrades, and disc brake conversion. Will post those whenever they are finished and online.


He just called it a contact glue. I don't know specifically what kind it is, all I know is it's yellow! Used the same stuff on the convertible top he did on the yellow 69, and on my vinyl top. It's probably something like 3M Fastbond.

Oh yeah, and I should mention this tip: if possible, install your glass ASAP after doing the headliner, or at least put some clips around the edges to hold it. Mine actually came unglued at the edges (partially due to cold weather, or the stretchiness of the headliner, or the lack of anything holding it in place). He had to partially re-glue it when he came back to do the vinyl top. Right now I have clips on the sides, just in case, since I haven't yet put on the windlace.


Here's a cool "car history" update. When I was back in CA for the holidays, my mom and I sifted through some boxes of old photos and found some with the Cougar in them. I was hoping to find something from when my grandparents first got the car, proudly standing next to it in the driveway or something, but no such luck. These are still pretty cool though.

These first two are probably in the early 70's, when they took a trip to Yosemite. That's my grandpa standing next to the car, which you can barely see. He passed in 1977, so I never met him.

This one below is around 1984 (the photo jacket was advertising the 1984 Olympics). So, 4 years before I was born. My mom is on the far left (and yes, I made fun of her extensively for the dorky hair style and glasses), and my grandma (who continued driving the Cougar until she passed in 2001) is in the red jacket. Dunno who the other old ladies are. But there's the Snowball in the background, in all its glory.

That's all we found, for the time being. There are probably some others somewhere. But I was glad to see these. It's cool to have some visual history.

Anyway, I do have some significant progress to report, but haven't taken pics yet. The engine compartment got painted, and the doors are on. I haven't been doing much with the car lately, but I think as the days start to lengthen and it's not quite so cold, I'll be getting back on it soon.


So nice in honor of your grandparents.

Posted by Diggymart on 1/3/20 @ 8:04:16 PM

Wow...the detail! Thanks for sharing!!

Posted by Diggymart on 12/10/18 @ 8:29:16 PM