Build Or DIE Trying! a 1993 FD story by Tem120

By diyauto
( 1 )

4 minute(s) of a 128 minute read


Apparently My brakes caught on fire...

This was my first autocross since removing the front mount , was trying everything out make sure it actually worked . 

engine temps were good.. But according to some people .. My brakes were on FIIRRE!! 

yeah it was actually just my new race pads getting bedded in .


new paintjob Lasted all of like 3 months before I ruined IT !!

car might of been under-steering a tiny bit.. I apologize there is some choice language... in the vid. First run ofthe day .. and I made a big mess...

Cleaned up the Run , But car was still understeering quite a bit .

Picture of the damage 

TRACK DAY NUMBER 2!! OCT 2014 ! So palm beach international . They were short on instructors so I had one for the very first session. and the Dude said you're good have fun . 

the water / intake temps were good .. BUUUT My brake pedal was still going to the floor after abusing it. 

thankfully I had learned hwo to be gentle with it . Lift off early brake at the last moment not the fastest way around But atleast that way the brakes lasted almost till the end of each session . 

Here are some fun inserts from the Event . 

Very Fast GTR.. Left me in the dust in the back straight

having Fun with a Gallardo

I was in the intermediate group and considering how easy I made it there I'm sure alot of these people Myself included could of benefited from some good coaches .. BUTTT no harm no faul had fun .... or so I thought .

with the rx7 FUN always comes at a pricee.... Heafty price .... 

cracked rear rotors 

And a blown Turbo ... 

AND ontop of that I still had to figure out why I was boiling my brake fluid if it was brand new and ATF super blue .

Replaced my Turbos ... THIS IS NOT A FUN JOB TWIN TURBOS ... took me 2 weekends after I put the new turbos on the Oil lines didnt want to align and OH BOY was this NOT a FUN job.. Infact I almost just about quit and ordered a single turbo setup.. 

Twin turbos are not for the feint of heart ... BUT I eventually managed to install the new used set . 

And well they worked 

Some new rear rotors .. AND at the PBIR event I learned that My brake fluid cap was a bit broken.. I tested it out and it was indeed letting condensation in so i said MAYYBEEE ????? 

Got a new Cap , RBF 600 Brake fluid and re did the whole system .

a couple oF pictures form the PBIR event In Oct Of 2014 
