Build Or DIE Trying! a 1993 FD story by Tem120

By diyauto
( 1 )

3 minute(s) of a 128 minute read


I screwed up , lost some bolts and forgot to put the heatshield on the turbos so I have to take them off again tomorrow and fix all that mess


wheels will be a different color nothing to go with the bronze , 

engine is home still has a few things before its complete But that shouldnt take long .


ITS HOME!! , just have to put the car back together now . thats all thats left lol


My Little miata battery cant do it . =( 

after some issues we're back to working on the car , chris is helping me finish and getting the car running , after bolting up everything under the car we tried to get it started . but my miata battery is no good . Not nearly enough CCA =( so round two is today .

ahh more backwards movement , found a short had to take the cluster out again . and ran out of sunlight looks like its back to the drawing board on all fronts


so updates have been slow lately on the thread . But car has been under constant progress 

First the damn water level buzzer would not shut up , been driving me nuts . but Did Manage to find out why ! I had left something unplugged .. oops 

Then I had a small fuel leak , got that fixed asap . 

my new used trans would NOT go into reverse .. Incase someone has this issue , if you forget or by mistake the copper washer falls off while installing it . that sensor does not allow you to go into reverse . 

Added copper washer , and it cleared and Vuala I had reverse again . 

Now in the process of fixing a bad ACV solenoid or maybe just eliminating the system ... being done with it ! LOL

"smoke comment " , someone I know was complaining about howmuch smoke my car was putting out on the very first video of me driving around , just had to settle that issue .
