IS300 LS1/T56 Daily Driver Build by eng1nerd

By diyauto
( 6 )

4 minute(s) of a 118 minute read



It's getting so close! I discovered the other day that I didn't have two of my switched ignitions wired right (they were constant) so I re-did both of those. The guy came by to tune out VATS and discovered that there is apparently something wrong with my wiring to the OBD2 port since he wasn't able to connect to it. He did have some pointers on the way I had a few things grounded, so we fixed those and it turned over and started to fire...then VATS took over. I have some trouble shooting to do in order to connect to the OBD2 port.

In other news the last few fittings came in for my power steering lines so that should get finished up tomorrow. Throttle cable also arrived today so that is hooked up and the pedal is back in the car.

Once we get connected and rid of VATS I'll have camera rolling for a first start up.


I still haven't finished up the power steering but I did get the shifter in tonight. As well as figured out the issues I was having with the OBD2 port. I can now connect with the scanner so whenever I can get the guy to stop by again I can finally be done with VATS for good and start the car up for the first time.

Here are some pics of the shifter installed and the adapter I used to offset it back.

Eventually I will do something different for a shift knob, for now I'll rock the Firebird.

Thanks for the compliments guys. I guess I take for granted what I know. I have a Bachelors and Master in Mechanical Engineering and my full time job is as a Manufacturing Engineer in a production facility. None of the physical/mechanical portion of this swap bothered me. The wiring was the scary black hole and as it looks now I think everything is correct. I already started marking up schematics for the wiring to share with others. And I'm always happy to answer questions or share pictures if you want to know more about something specific.

I got to work on the car for a few hours this morning, we are headed to a wedding this afternoon so this will be all for today. It took me long enough but I have finally figured out how to assemble these hoses pretty consistently.

This finishes off the power steering system. Here is where it meets the rack.

It's tight but everything fits. And here it's spliced into the GM line off the pump.

The belt is back on, and I started installing the intake when I realized I had to grind a little to plug in the Lexus MAF. I thew a coat of paint on it where I had to grind and will install it for good tomorrow. This is what it will look like in the end.


Nice car, sorry to see it got wrecked :(

Posted by MPower on 10/12/20 @ 1:55:01 PM