My 93 2.5 low output build by zte87

By diyauto
( 2 )

5 minute(s) of a 289 minute read


here is a link of me going over what people call the egg rock....three wheel action baby!

and I also have this vid of me failing to get over this rock (I hade to winch over it hurt my pride) since I don't have power steering every time I almost got it my wheel would jame into the bank and it was almost in possible to man handle the wheel! 

and than this is 91BoD taking on the eggrock :P.........


Not really a updated but today I got rid of the nasty old jeep decals in favor of some new fresh black ones and I all so added some american pride to the jeep! 


So I did a little snow wheeling at walker valley today and it was a blast! The only damage to was a badly kinked winch line and I tacoed my exhaust head pipe on a big rock......looks like the tj head pipe mod is coming sooner than expected!

The rubi that was up with us got some pics from yesterday so here are a couple more.….the second to the last one is where I crushed my exhaust and the very last pic is me winching the very high center jk!!
