1dirtyZ's Conversion by 1dirtyZ

By stevegolf
( 3 )

3 minute(s) of a 304 minute read


not much to report ,,, other than I found another issue that I have to address; the balancer was supposedly spinning on the crank snout . how do you know that you may be asking ??? well,,,,,

luckily its not that bad and I managed to clean up the snout pretty well.
I'm just surprised how a hardened key way could get snapped like that !
I've done it before on blower couplers on my other car but that was after the gear drive and not on the snout itself.

I also swapped the reluctor to the CBM one I had and welded it in to make sure it didn't go anywhere, here is the original culprit :

and upon disassembling the engine I found out that the bearings were a bit dark in color and did have some contamination in them because of the reluctor scuffing on the block, so I swapped them out .

so next up is to assemble the bottom end , double key the snout , swap the transmissionpump and then drop the engine back in .


well I think I just reached a turning point in this and other projects ,,,, after having tens of issues with the head units I have and having no help from procharger I think its about time to give up on trying to show procharger in a good light.

I just got word back from them that the F2 that just broke again ( yes it broke again after one pass and one burnout on the drag strip after spending $1800 in replacing almost everything supposedly with "All new" parts) will not be warrantied and that I have to spend $2500 to fix their mistake!!

and they also have the nerve to try to sell me an F1a head unit claiming they will get me a "special " deal at $3000 for it ,,,, when I can get it without even trying from a dealer for $2900 !! talk about adding insult to injury!

its a shame how such a once reputable company would just screw over a 14 year customer who stuck by them all this time!

I'v been having trouble with my head units on this car and the silver 5thgen's F3-136 since I got it ( I was sent back about 10 times so far) , anywhere from chipped impeller blades to destroyed transmissions and internals . all this seems to have started after a certain date and after I sent back the blowers in for a refresh .

I also noticed that everyone I know who is racing a procharged car has been having issues ( ghoste-vette from the vette forms destroyed his F1x during its first burnout!, Azooooz's F3-135 had his impeller touch down way under the max impeller rpm , just to name a few). there are many more examples of shitty parts and quality if you look around,,,, the sad part is procharger's response regarding the matter : its all the und user's fault!

I guess now would be the time to seriously start looking into alternatives such as turbos or into vortech head units. at least these units last longer than a few runs.

updates to follow soon I hope .


Nice build!

Posted by Diggymart on 12/1/19 @ 8:51:47 PM