1dirtyZ's Conversion by 1dirtyZ

By stevegolf
( 3 )

4 minute(s) of a 304 minute read



surprise update!! 

been working on and off this thing for a while now ,,, but I guess I had enough stuff done to warrant an update

first off a little update regarding the blower ,,,, if you notice in the pic below ,,,, it grew a bit 

I got a chance to buy back - of all things - my old reverse Rotation F2 blower that I sold off my blue Camaro and like all other blue Camaro parts ,,, they find their way here

moving on ,, I had to fab up a tensioner for the accessory belts ,,, so the best place I found was where the AC compressor would sit:

well to get it to fit properly and place proper tension , I had to fab up a plate to hold it in place, incase you are wondering how it looks ,,,, here it is :

moving on ,, It was time to start on the water tank. I was torn between using a cooler and have it strapped down in the trunk ( keeps things cooler longer) and fabbing up a tank that sits in where the spare tire would ( looks cleaner and saves more space in the trunk).

so I finally decided to go with the aluminum tank in the spare tire compartment. the plan was to use a D shaped tank and have the pump and fittings on the flat part of the D .

next up was the hole and fittings welded in :

and here is how it looks sitting in the trunk :

and this is how the finished product looks after powder coating and installing the lid :

I also plumbed the intercooler for now and ran the lines to the trunk ,,, all have to do now is mount the tanks as well as the pump and hook the lines up and intercooler system would be done . the plan was to use a heat exchanger up front but I guess plans have changed , and there is some secret squirrel going on in the near future that I don't want to talk about just yet

so moving on ,,, I am almost ready to fire this thing up. which should be pretty soon

the plan is as follows :

- plumb the intercooler tank and call the intercooler system done
- connect the adapter harness for the trans vss signal to the PCM.
- swap to a 4 speed shifter instead of the 3 speed one now
- tune the bish!


Nice build!

Posted by Diggymart on 12/1/19 @ 8:51:47 PM