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2 minute(s) of a 319 minute read
I had a big push recently or it feels like one!
We bought this gazebo a few years ago with the intention of eventually using it as a garage extension for spraying, it's worked pretty well for something basic!
I had a few cock ups with runs and I think I had too much air as it seemed to dry like overspray. It seems to clear up well with 320.
The b was a little light in primer so itll need reworking but its easy to mask off. The c pillar looked like it had melted! Its masking off and I'll dust it when I start working on the door inners which I'll probably do 1 at a time because of space and time.
With that I'm off to wet sand - it takes an eternity but at least I can put my headphones on and tune out the rest of the world!

Car looks great, interior looks really sharp.
Posted by MPower on 11/25/20 @ 10:50:12 PM

Great build thread! This is going to be a fun little Ford!
Posted by CCmyVW on 10/25/20 @ 1:35:35 PM
Any updates?
Posted by Diggymart on 4/24/23 @ 5:47:38 PM