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Jpsmit thanks for the tip, it wasn't till I read that I noticed how dirty the connections were so I have started to clean up the connections and it is making an improvement.
79Cord it turns out that I am a clot and confused the green/yellow wire (tail light) with the green/red wire (indicator)which is why it wouldn't work!
in the last few days I made a few copies of the wiring loom and with my bestest tastiest crayons I have and coloured in the lighting loom to make it easier to read, I have one for the engine, charging circuit and extras
Tonight I have had a little play after work despite the cold the dusk helped me see the lights working properly which has been useful and after 5 mins of cleaning terminals I got this result
Full beam works too all I need to do is fit the numberplate lamp. From there I got cracking with the gauge lights which have been bugging me for days then I remembered the first day I drove it in the dark - I had spent the day learning how to drive the car when I found a random switch under the dash which as it turns out allowed me to turn the dash lights off but I didn't see the point really!
The switch was pretty knackered and a few years ago I made 2 bridge using a piece of wire and 2 male connectors and it stayed that way for 2 years... then I found tonight that the wire wasn't that well done so it was my fault but I have fixed it
I was very happy with that and I got more sorted
after finding the missing earth point under the dash and as soon as that was sorted the wipers were moving albeit slowly but I was ecstatic at this point. I need to sort the heater blower but it will get sorted soon
I have a video of the right indicators but I can't get the video to upload, the front rear and dash light work but the rear left works - the only thing I have changed is the front indicator so I will go over that again as it is most likely to be the problem
all in all its another big hurdle!

Car looks great, interior looks really sharp.
Posted by MPower on 11/25/20 @ 10:50:12 PM

Great build thread! This is going to be a fun little Ford!
Posted by CCmyVW on 10/25/20 @ 1:35:35 PM
Any updates?
Posted by Diggymart on 4/24/23 @ 5:47:38 PM