V3.2 build (F2 procharger , 427, etc. ) by 1dirtyz

By stevegolf
( 1 )

8 minute(s) of a 341 minute read


any how , i'm almost done with the driver side header i just have one small thing to finish and i can start welding stuff up :

and after that i started on the passenger side ,,,, and even though i have more room on that side for some reason i'm having a hard time getting things done . sure it could be a brain fart but i think i was getting tired and needed a fresh start . at this rate i'm finishing one primary per day .


small update :

axles finally showed up yesterday
40 spline gun drilled and lightened puppies from mark williams :

as for the headers , i'm almost done with tacking up the driver side and 1 and a half primaries away from finishing the passenger side

here is how the passenger side looks so far :

i'll try to finish both sides today , and maybe start welding them up tommorow .
and if get some time i'll start assembling the rear end and maybe later mock it up on the car to see where to weld up the sway bar brackets .


slow progress but progress nonetheless

i guess i can call the passenger side header fulley mocked up
here is how it came out , all i have to do now is weld it up :

and another angle :

so now i'll finish the driver side , i think i might change the routing of one pipe so things can fit better .


finally ,,, i got the driver side all routed and mocked up

so after that it was on to the next step : welding
i managed to finish two primaries :

so now all i have to do next is finish , welding the primary tubes, then weld them to the flanges, weld the tabs that hold the collector on to the tubes, install an O2 bung and call them done


yup , i did that when i got the gear drive |( thanks for looking out for me)

any how i finished welding all the primaries , all i have to do now is weld the little tabs to attatch them to the collector and weld the other ends to the flanges . here is the semi finished product :


well i finally had some time to drop the headers off to a machine shop to have their flanges surfaced. i just got the headers back yesterday and here is the almost end result ( still have to weld the extensions and O2 bungs ) :

up next is to hae the bungs welded on , extensions/bend welded on , then i have to wrap the driver side so it doesn't melt the steering shaft joint boots and boil the brake lines. then cap it all off with drilling the bumper for the exit holes

after that i can move on to other stuff like assembeling the new rear end ( weld a few tabs on it and powder coat it ) and installing the adjustable rear spring mounts and so on


some updates to write about :

i stil didn't install the headers cause i need to slide a heat barrier sleeve over the steering coloumn to protect the u joint from the header tubes ( one is real close ), i'm waiting for the thing to show up and i don't want to install everything now only to tear it appart later . i also need to weld the O2 bungs on there

i welded the sway bar brackets on the housing , along with the brake lite tabs :

and i sent everything to be poweder coated , so fast forward to last night ,,,, stuff came back from the coaters :

sexy coated housing :

so i decided that i won't do the important stuff like welding header bungs and installing the braces and other stuff, and just do stuff i don't need to do right now : i started assembling the rear end

here's the equally sexy 40 spline third member (again ) :

and here it is installed along with the axles and studs :

dual caliper set up - for those days when the rules don't allow trans brakes  

i still need to plumb the brakes but i think that's all thats left for this rear end to be called done .

so next time i will try to do something important , like weld the O2 bungs on the headers and wrap the primaries and installing the front brace. i should also look into redoing the front brake lines since now would be a good time to clean the mess i have up there
another item on the to do list now is shortening and rerouting the starter + cable and signal wire.

and lastly i should scale the thing before i start slapping things on it to see the difference .
