Twin Turbo Skylark 350 Progress by sean Buick 76

By diyauto
( 2 )

4 minute(s) of a 265 minute read


I have been busy building up my daily driver which will also tow the Buick to the track:

In the next few days I am going to take the old engine out of the Skylark and start removing the rear end and fuel tank and then I am going to wire brush the whole underside of the car, use POR15 on any surface rust, and then paint the underside black... Then I can move onto installing the rear end with the tubular adjustable arms, rebuilding the brakes etc.


I was about to button up one of my good Buick 350s when I decided I needed to take it back apart and improve some things first. 

1. There are some sharp edges on the Custom Diamond pistons and I am pretty sure they would have caused some detonation which would have damaged the engine. 

2. A few of the piston rings had sharp edges from where I had file fit them to the bores of the blocks. 

I took the pistons out of the engine, removed the pistons from the rods (easy due to spiro lock retainers), and then removed the rings and numbered them so they could go back on the right pistons when I was done smoothing the pistons and smoothing the rings with a file.

Here are some pics of the pistons before and after smoothing them out. I still need to polish them but they are 100% better then they were:

The black marker was used to draw the areas I wanted to "roll over" to eliminate the sharp spots. 

Someone "rudely interrupting" my progress by phoning me LOL. I used the cardboard box under the piston holder so that Leanne would let me bring it in the house as the piston holder was dirty. 

I used the little stands again today as they are very handy... And I added some "art" to the walls. 

Here is one completed piston, just needs to be polished:

All cleaned up and stuff moved so Leanne can park on her side:

That was yesterdays progress and I will post today's progress tmrw morning.
