Joey's iS by JinormusJ

By diyauto
( 1 )

3 minute(s) of a 76 minute read



So, my OBC light was burnt out. And I'm pissed when it's burnt out.
Wanted to order one from the guys of the forums, but I'm too impatient to wait a week for turnaround now that I had my OBC fully functioning.

So, I had a minty junkyard OBC I wanted to swap in with a light bar core...
Guess what happened?

My dad, AKA Main Electrician Bawuce, drew me up a semantic of the stuff (don't ask me what it means, I still don't have any idea lol)

He said that because of the 2 7.5V LEDs, any resistor under 500 ohms would cause it to fry over a long period of time and burn way to bright. I dont want to change this anytime soon, so I listened to him. My 510ohm resistor would dim the LEDs enough to match stock lighting perfectly

So I starting stripping

Soldered up the main module. As you can see, the white/cream color in the middle means the LEDs are white

Gettin it DONE!

Ghetto testing, but it works


Final product

Once more for good measure


More than pleased, came out even better than I expected

All buttoned up + Minty OBC swap
