97 TJ Heep to Zombie Killing Jeep Build by north50

By diyauto
( 2 )

2 minute(s) of a 286 minute read


So while I wait on the adj. track bar to come in I found a can of Rust-oleum truck bed liner laying around and figured what the hell. When I bought the jeep both front fenders had been hit some how and were dented and scratched pretty good, also some rust. Some day I'll do flat fenders but for now I painted the stock fender fronts to clean them up. Will be painting the grill with this stuff also because it is just so easy and looks great. 

This stuff rocks.

Had painted the passenger side first and then remasked it and went higher up the fender to match the driver side. Had to go up past the rust spot, but like I said I sort of jumped into it so a little extra work. Will post some pictures tomm. of the finished product
