My 93 2.5 low output build by zte87

By diyauto
( 2 )

6 minute(s) of a 289 minute read


I plan on getting a genright style carrier my current bumper jusg weighs to much with out the tire it weighs about 150 by its self haha! Genright claims there carrier is only 55 lbs! And yes we need to get out together sometime soon haha maybe a snow run?


So ever since I installed my 5 inch springs my pinion angle has been of causing vibs since the perches had been burned in when I had my sagging 3.5 springs, so I ordered some degree shims which should be here thurs.

The drive line is at 24 degree angle

And the pinion is at a 19 degree angle

So I figure a 4 degree shim should get me real close right???? Haha


Today I had a my exhaust worked on, had a tailpipe bent and welded in and also added a torque strap added up by the cat (the mount that goes in the tranny mount!)

And on Monday after I put money in the back (I sold my rear bumper for 550 today) I plan on ordering the rear cage kit and the bar for 5 point harness..........thoughts on this rear cage well minus the side bar in the pics!


Allright I pulled the trigger on my rear cage kit today cant wait to get it haha, I am thinking about getting sound vdp 6x9 sound wedges and amping them so I would have a total of 6 speakers going in her, forgot to mention I sold my sub amp to a buddy to fund my wifes birthday gift/dinner. I plan on going with 2 10s during the next growth spurt. Ok I will stop chating about the system now since most wont care haha!


So my sound wedges and 6x9's showed up along with my rear cage......cant wait to install this stuff


So I installed the amp and 6x9 and man what a difference I think I will have amp the other 4 speaker in the jeep now.

I also put the cage in positoin to get a idea of how it will look, cant wait to burn it in.


Well its in, I plan on painting it on my dY off tomarow!


Ok guys the rear cage is painted and done!


So I am picking some goodies up from 91BoD tomarrow night so I stripped her down to get her ready.....


Well I picked the goodies up from him tonight and went right to work cleaning the new intake manifold up, I plan on clean up the new tb tomorrow on my lunch brake at work. I am not sure how I can clean up the new injectors but I am letting the tips soak in fuel injector cleaner.........I hope to have it back on the Sunday!


So I got the tb/injectors/fuel rail installed on the intake now I need to get up shake off my hangover and those that baby back on the jeep.......

Just took it for a test run, I do fill a little better throttle response and I can 5th on the hwy a bit better. After lunch I am going to install my newer tps/iac in and reset the ecm!
