My 93 2.5 low output build by zte87

By diyauto
( 2 )

2 minute(s) of a 289 minute read


So besides taking my bl off today I went to a local Offroad shop/wrangler grave yard and picked up a new skid, and a under the hood fuse cover and also the thing that spreads the heat/air at the floor,and currie e-z deflator! I hope to have the skid on tomorrow!

So today I got my new skid plate,tranny mount and torque arm bushings installed so no more vibes......and since it was on the lift at work I change the engine oil, rear diff oil and topped off the tranfercase ATF. After all that I want to see if I am going to rub now with the bl off so I flexed it out with the forklift all in all a pretty productive day!
