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A little update as it has been a while, I have managed to rewire one if the undicatirs and it wired first time which was a but unexpected as I've never tried anything like that before, I have a few phitis but I'll put them up when they are all complete and shiny.
In the meantime I have managed to space out thefront damoers as I found that the top mounts were moving because the are much shorter than the original ones and it was simething I had not taken into consideration but the bearing cup was the perfect height and diameter for the job so the car can go back on the ground which is great
I did however find that the welding that I had done hasn't penetrated well enough so that will need to be addressed - I have gone back to the drawing board to start again as I'm not happy with the quality of my welding I'll get it sorted I just need some help
And to finish on a positive note I have been making a pin board for my tools as I was getting tired of them getting muddled up in my tool chest the boxes in the left will have cutting discs, welding clamps and glasses etc in and I will add my screw drivers and hammers afterni have got some spring clamp things (technical I know!)
For a bit of a challenge and a mojo boost I had a go at making my own gearknob I've never used a wood lathe before and I enjoyed it but as I haven't fully decided what style knob i want I'd make a few and see how I get on
starting with an offcut from dad's wood stash (the lathe is his toy) I got it centred and set up in and ready to whittle down to something that looks like a gearknob.
after a few mins I had made a square peg into a round(ish) one!
I had a rough idea of the shape and size I wanted and this is only 0.5mm dia thicker which is good
It does have a knot/ crack but it doesnt feel as bad as it looks
all cut off now
it needs a bit of finishing and drilling but I think I'll use some nylon piping for the thread insert bit I may need to use a die on the gearstick too

Car looks great, interior looks really sharp.
Posted by MPower on 11/25/20 @ 10:50:12 PM

Great build thread! This is going to be a fun little Ford!
Posted by CCmyVW on 10/25/20 @ 1:35:35 PM
Any updates?
Posted by Diggymart on 4/24/23 @ 5:47:38 PM