Project 1990 country squire resto/modification by andyfanshawe

By diyauto
( 3 )

11 minute(s) of a 418 minute read


Metal cleaned up as far as I want to go

Worried about how deep the rust goes on that corner, so out it comes as one unit

Heres the top of the panel removed

and the other side

Really surprising that it has only gone through in that one area.  

New steel going in tomorrow.

This was an interesting sight. Loads of media from the blasting I did over a year ago.


First plate fabricated and clamped in place

Next plate fabbed and drilled for spot welding and etch primed underneath

Dont know whether you can see the tiny pieces of masking tape in this picture where the spot welds will be

Weld it in tomorrow and close it all up.


More progress time;

Plate welded in

and welds ground down

Final plate made and holes drilled for spot welding. Notice the painted panel under it with masked off areas where it will be welded through

Welded in

have a look at this for welding penetration! Gone through 2 thicknesses!

Heres where I think some water gets in to the A post. Here I am levering up the panel at the bottom of the windscreen revealing a gap where the sealant has gone.

Onto the bottom of the A post. On the other side it was rotted out, so I thought I would cut this side out to check

Looks good this time but the inner rocker has some corossion on that may need doing.


Loads of bodywork done over last few days.

Top of A post finished and sealed

Bottom of A post welded up with an access hole for rustproofing

Bit of a warning here. Found this at the bottom of the A post stuffed in a corner

no not drugs, but sound proofing.

Quite a few of these in that area and I thought I had got them all out. You can see the weld burns in it. Could have set the damn car on fire.

Just the fender to do now so heres a couple of views of where we are at.

Then we are bracing up and engine removal for the floorpan to be cut out!


Here's what it will hopefully look like!!  

Front bumper may be a bit too ostentatious!


Dont want you all to think I've been slacking! Bodywork is taking ages.......

Heres the fender in the middle of fettling.

Patch made and joddled and spot welded in place of the lower light

and sealed off

Heres a rusty lip!

and repaired

And heres how much I've reduced the fender lip by. A good 12mm cut off!


Hi Sinar.
Thanks for the reply. Always amazes me that these cars still have massive appeal to many. They are quite a cult vehicle in the states but good ones are few and far between. Body parts, rubber trim, chrome trim etc are now impossible to find. Alternatives are available in many cases but usually have to be modified to fit.
To answer your question, it is very possible to fit another engine and box to the car. The engine bay is huge and anything will fit. Its like anything else, its all possible for a cost.
In my mind, to pay for the labour to have the V8 removed and another engine and box installed and mounts/propshaft/immobiliser/fuel pumps and many other odds and ends would add up to a considerable amount. It certainly would pay for a lot of fuel for the original V8! To even consider losing that V8 burble would be scandulous!

Many who own these cars use another daily driver and keep the specials for weekends/shows/family days out etc. I have a 1997 fiesta that I dragged out of a scrapyard for £200 and put it back on the road for minimal outlay. That is my daily driver. My Wife has an 06 yaris that keeps our family (2 kids-9 and 14) mobile also. Luckily I cycle to work most days so fuel cost is small.
Consequently I also own a 97 lincoln mark 8 that sits on the drive and looks pretty! Hardly moves anywhere though.

I would suggest getting one, leaving the V8 in it, keep your everyday carand keep it for special days. Assuming you have space to park it and can get spare parts for it - go for it. You know it makes sense.
Dont tell your Wife though


PS Keep me informed of your decision! Be nice to have a fellow country squire owner.


s it really halfway through september already? Wow, time flies.

But, I'm on schedule because the bodywork so far is finished. All filling and etch priming done

Now its time to get ready for the big floorpan cut!

Engine out next, all doors removed, car up in the air, interior stripped out totally, firewall stripped back to bare bones, metal supports welded in, springs removed, 6 jacks in place and we are cutting!!

Watch this space.........................


The plan is to get everything stripped out and get the car in the air, reove the engine and brace for cutting - all within the next 2 weeks.

Interior totally stripped out..

Engine out next weekend.


Got the front stripped down ready for motor removal

Not much space down each side of my garage but its possible.

Heres my shed packed to the roof of country squire parts!!

Here's a view of the underside that will change soon..


Engines out and going off to be rebuilt tomorrow morning

All springs out next.


Right, got to get on with this.

All springs out

and car lowered to its bump stops

Nylon rope stretched across the bottom of the tyres to see how far the floorpan has to go up into the car

Looks like its 10 cm then!

Which takes the floor up to the 10 cm mark here.

I'll level the car up next, then brace it and its floor cutting time!


Just to let you all know that my lovely Dad passed away this morning in hospital. Age 88. May he rest in peace and he will always be in my thoughts.
I am going to dedicate this car and its build to my wonderful Dad.


Love this build, so much work!

Posted by diyauto on 1/21/21 @ 1:46:55 PM

Agree! Tons of labor went into this

Posted by bdub on 1/21/21 @ 1:48:34 PM

The Country Squire was very popular! Great work!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/19/21 @ 5:12:09 AM