My slow build by 87GT Drop Top

By diyauto
( 2 )

3 minute(s) of a 139 minute read


I can't wait to see it too! I really don't have any experience in doing most of what I'm doing. I have some mechanical skills from racing 4 wheelers. I'm just making it up as I go a long. I have countless hours in the car I couldn't imagine paying someone to do it. Plus doing it yourself it gets done exactly the way you want it. I will hopefully be dropping in the engine very soon.

I filled up the brake system and bled it today. I have what feels like a pretty good pedal. The best part NO LEAKS!!

I was able to reuse the one the goes from the bottom of the master cylinder to the drivers side caliper. Also where the union is on the passengers side to the rear. 

I had to make new lines from the master to the proportioning valve. Then from the valve to the passengers side caliper and the valve to the union on the passengers side that goes to the rear. I reused all of the nuts except for the 12mm one on the master. I f-ed mine up removing it. I had to buy a bag of five so if you need one I can help.


My car was bone stock right down to the air silinecer when I bought it. I wanterd to do everything myself and the way I wanted it done. That way it exactly the why I want it and I know what/how everything that's done to it.


Tonight was the night to drop in the engine. When I got to my buddies house he had a car still on the lift, so it wasn't available. I brought over my headers and distributor to be installed while there. He was busy so all we did was drop in the motor. I will do the rest at home.

Here's the truck hooked up to the trailer with the car on it.

Here's the engine coming out of the crate.

Here's it being dropped in

Engine in.
