Peugeot 505 Turbo Project

By diyauto
( 2 )

3 minute(s) of a 65 minute read


Thanks for the help and feedback!

I gonna relocate the plate. The oem plate holder is just there temporary to i find a solution that fits better. 

We gonna cut a hole in the rear bumper to fit the end muffler. I have purchased a NOOZE DTM rear muffler picture I think it will look nice with my DTM style front spoiler

Getting pretty close to finish the front spoiler, old pictures haven't any picture how it looks atm.


Frontspoiler test mounted

Today I test mounted the frontspoiler. Is not painted yet and not corrected mounted (just mounted it fast, gona adjust it better when the frontspoiler is finished). I have painted the grill black and the trims around the headlights and the frontspoiler gonna be in same color as the car. I hope the black grill and headlights trim will make it look more aggressive  


Sorry for no update during the winter. 

I lost my job in October 2009 and got a new job for 3 month ago. And I'm hourly-paid at the new job so it's hard to spend some money on the project. But for 1 week ago, my boss gave me more time of work and new work tasks. Feels good and maybe when the next payslip comes it will tell me to spend more money on the project

Project car 1 - Shopping list written

Project car 2 - We have just taken out the car of winter storage. The car run good, but still problem with the clutch. Clutch skids - time to put on a better clutch disc (sinter). Pictures of winter storage and latest modification: fuel pressure gauge.
