91 405Mi16x4 Rear wheel drive conversion north south engine

By diyauto
( 3 )

2 minute(s) of a 241 minute read


Today started the day by getting out an old engine dolly, i use those simple frame with wheels to store and move around spare engines in the garage, first mod was to shorten it, then i weld a broken car jack because it can move and welded two limiting pieces, than installed it under the engine and in place made two more mountings using two more car jacks and by the looks i need to cut a hole in the fire wall for the distributor if i move the engine 12sm in, i will get clearance to the bonnet more space and for the steering rack, and better weight distribution, the strange thing is the valve covers paint is bubbled up completely not sure what made it, by moving the engine by the valve cover it peels in my hands now is bare aluminium, is ugly now.
