Supercharged K20a2 Vtec - Race Spec by cptkirk

By diyauto
( 5 )

8 minute(s) of a 377 minute read


So last night I went out for a razz around, a guy from work had come round to have a P-ride in the car so off we went round the Chichester area. We were going down a back roaad when we came up behind a guy in Ford Anglia, he was following something irrelevant, he then proceeded to overtake, I went with him and Feck me sideways he accelerated as quickly as I did, a few more mile down the road and I had a funny noise from the rear and pulled over to investigate - more of that later. As I was investigating the nocie the guy had spun around at the next roundabout and came back, he was running a 300bhp cossie lump in it, no wonder he could pull so well. We had a chat abotu the cars and then we got on our merry ways.

Back to the noise - at some point in the spirited drive with the Anglia the boot had come open, broken the supporting straps and at points was dragging along the ground by the handle, the exhaust has burnt away a big amount of the paintwork. So its a new Boot handle for me, the locking system needs revising as it could easily happen again and a bit of a respray for the boot - feck it....

Heres the damage:

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I got some M10 Rose joints through from fleabay, cheap and nasty really but they wont be doing much work. Now I look at the design I could probably have gotten away without using rose joints but I got em now so they're gonna get used.

Just a few pictures of where I am heading with it, I should be able to get some work done on this later in the week.

Pictures of the new design:

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I had a eureka moment last night whilst trying to get to sleep - I realized exactly what was causing the boot come open.

Last week I had the rear anti roll bar apart to lubricate and at this point I noticed that two nuts that normally hold the diffuser up weren't there, reason being that there isnt enough thread on them for a nylock to grab to. I didnt replace them at that time (will now) as I figured that the diffuser had enough stuff holding it on. So rather than incriminate myself I will suggest that the speeds reached might or might not have been in the three figure field and that the diffuser is working so well that it has pulled the flimsy bit of lower valance downwards (I dont have the normal rear valance and the bottom lip under the boot is super flimsy without it), in turn puling the bootlid down just enough to pop it open with the built up pressure inside the engine bay. The boot popped open again on Sunday when I may or may not have been in the three figure field of mph, this time I could hear it happen and there was a definite noise from the diffuser. My next move is to loctite a nut onto the ARB bolts to aid the holding up of the diffuser along with adding a bit of length to the locking mechanism.

The bootlid is already prepped and will be sprayed and returned by the end of the week if not earlier and it'll all be back together by the weekend - fingers crossed.......


OK I got some video - its on the road video so dont expect anything wild and crazy or me breaking the speed limit, just incase that happened during filming I made sure the speedo is not visible, you can see the tacho and when the needle changes colour its around 7000rpm. The sound needs some work, I think theres something loose in the camera and the recording level is way too high. The video makes it seem very slow compared to being in it.


Rear Arch Protection

I gave the car a good clean (when I say I, I mean me and my mate Benson as if I were elft to y own devices it'd get cleaned with glass cleaner and no polish but apperently thats not the way to do it....) as its on the Miniworld Stand in Brighton on Sunday. After its deep cleanse it became apparent that the front of the rear arches are getting very badly stone-chipped from stuff being thrown up from the front tyres. So as a temporary measure I got another mate of mine, Steve Beard, to fit some matte black vinyl on them with a view to in the future ordering some matte carbon fibre effect vinyl and having that fiited in place of the temp stuff. Anyhoo enough of my rambling here's a couple of snaps taken last night after he had finished one side - by the way these arches are a b@stard to fit regular vinyl to, the proper car wrap will give a better finish.

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I got a bit more press coverage last week in Auto Express, they were at the L2B with a new Countryman to get the views of the die hard Classic mini fans - Didnt go down well from what I saw. However they took a piccy of The Beast and put it in the mag, they got the power figures from the guys at miniworld and somehow got that wrong but hey ho.....

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I showed the car in the weekend at the Goodwood Road Racing Club Open Day, there were 300 applicants to show their cars and mine made it into the final 50 that were there on the day. There was loads of interesting cars there, from a MKI 1600 Twin Cam Escort, to a Steam driven Stanley car and many things in between, even a couple of bikes. Mine was definitely one of the quickest 0-60 cars there, only a superlightweight Atom being a quicker car 0-60. I got a couple of snaps fo the car in situ, I got one of the better spots for sure. The car of the day was won by a Ferrari 250 short wheel base, probably worth 1.5-2million, nice car but not my favourite.

Looking forward to the winter months to be able to start tinkering again, I digress......heres a couple of pictures at Goodwood, in the second one its off in the distance in front of the house:

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This is from yesterday:

As I put in the video info, excuse the driving as its my first time on track, frickin loved it of the problems with having this car is some people will try there damnedest to get past you even if that means overtaking on the apex of bends where your not supposed to.

I saw it like this - if they want to get past that bad then just let them go rather than have them push it too hard to get past and take you out in the process......

Unfortunately I only made 2 and bit sessions as the sprung steel part of the anti-roll bar snapped so I now need to get another of those - the joys of motoring.......

The red metro had an Elise engine in, very quick and a good driver, he knows his cars limits better than I do mine.


Wow this is amazing build!

Posted by Diggymart on 2/3/20 @ 4:10:14 AM