Supercharged K20a2 Vtec - Race Spec by cptkirk

By diyauto
( 5 )

6 minute(s) of a 377 minute read


Ha ha, yer your right I am a glutten for punishment, fortunately the trailer has been mostly built by my brother and my old man (to my initial design) and my brother has the perfect size shed to build it in. I am building my car in a single garage with barely enough room to swing a mouse never mind about a cat.

The trailer has been made so that it can be tilted and the surrounds for the lights have been made strong enough to double as landing points, although the ramps should be long enough (2.4m) to drive the car in without too much hassle or titlting.

What can I say about the topic? I try and make it as interesting as the car will be, I am aiming for every part of what I have done for and to the car to be the best that I can acheive and if people like what I have done then brilliant. Cars are very subjective and what one person may like another may find to boy racer-ish, to plain or just dont like it. As with anyone doing a project like this I have made it how I want it, and I like it so I guess thats all that matters.......


Wiper Mount:

I ahd purchased a wiper mount from Z's some time ago and when I came to fitting it the other day it became apparent that it wasnt going to fit into my plan, so I had to think up another way of mounting the motor. I have utilised the upper bent bit of bar from the Z's mount and fabbed up a bottom mount, my reason for the change will become apparent in the next thread.

The motor is old and under closer inspection I found the contacts are so corroded that I had to order a new one, another qucik £100 - bugger.

So here is the mount:

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Front Bulkhead Watertighting - Part 1:

When using a Race Spec frame there is the need to cut through the front bulkhaed to mount onto the front subframe bolts, also as I had the full race spec pedal bias box there is another hole in the front bulkhead for moutning this to the bar that runs along the ffront of the bulkhead. Non of this looked easy to watertight, so fabbing head on I have decided to enclosed the front bulkhead in a 3 peice arrangement. I started out as normal with these things by making a cardboard template and then cutting out the ali plate, I have had to remove the fuel cap plate that I had Z's make and I still have to feed a pipe through to connect back to the fuel tank. I still have to make the centre plate that I will probably get engraved and polished, the two outer parts will be sprayed to match the car.

You will soon be able to see why I made the wiper mount as I did, although I wish I could have got the motor to fit further back thatn it does - too much hassle.

So here is the progres so far:

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Exhaust Wrap:

As it says on the tin really - DEI Titanium Exhaust Wrap.

The more eagles eyed will pick up on the fact that the exhaust is in peices, so before anyone says it is being 're-modelled' so that I can fit the diffuser, havent 100% decided how yet, just another hurdle to overcome. Sorry to Simon at Z's I know he spent some time on my exhaust making a nice oval exit for me, I keep seeing other cars with an oval exit and want to have something different.

It does have a nice look to it and as it is made from pulverised lava rock (I always hear Dr Evil saying "melting hot magma" when I say/read that) not fibreglass it is a pleasure to use and you dont have to wet it to wrap it, dont know if it'll smoke like fibreglass yet, wait and see on that. Beleive it or not what you see is a full 50 foot roll used so I have to order some more now -bugger.... more bloody expense.

Before anyone comments on the use of stainless hose clips not stainless cable ties, I have tried both and the hose clips grip a *melon* load better and allow easier adjustment if required. There not the prettiest but they do the job.

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Wow this is amazing build!

Posted by Diggymart on 2/3/20 @ 4:10:14 AM