Frumpy Gets Some Love by benjy_18

By diyauto
( 2 )

5 minute(s) of a 177 minute read


quick update,

my rear heelboard is in! and its all lovely and straight and aligned after a few hours of measuring and comparing to BL drawings. sadly no photos as i was concentrating far too much. ive also got both the closing panels in that meet the lower curve of the quarter panel.

big progress on the turret front, there both in! just need to be welded in at the top and they are finished.


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and heres a photo of the coilovers i got today

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much appreciated buddy, comments like that make it easier to keep on going.

quick progress photo

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almost a month since i updated this!

probly because not a lot has happened really.

im half way through my new boot floor but ill leave photos of that untill its finished.

on a happyier note, i now have my wheels which will be sent off to be split by carl (force racing)

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got them off ebay for £80 for a set of 5! bargain, they are all straight and true and already shot blasted!
couldnt ask for me to be honest.

i also got a dash for nothing from work which has been chopped about ready for me to modify it to fit. i only really need the dail surround (cover) and the centra section which will be moulder to a carbon fibre dash similiar to dougies redtop engined mini.

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im almost finished the boot floor now, but i ran out of welding wire today s havent managed to finish plug welding it in. but here are some photos to show you how it looks.

without the fuel tank recess

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with the tank recess

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one from inside with the fuel tank in place

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i also managed to get my front subframe built up minus discs and calipers (currently looking for a set of driveshafts aswell)

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cheers for the kind comments guys! much appreciated.

well this weekend went fairly well considering i was nursing a beastly hangover!

first off i finised the boot floor and it look ace! no photos really as it looks the same as the previous post just with no screws holding it in place.

today i thought it best to tackle one of the door skins, i started by removing all of the old skin and then repairing the frame of the door (no photos as it got dark when i finished) but i also decided to rebuil the hinges asi has broken one of the studs when i removed them :(

this was done but first driling out the old studs and then welding in place some new bolts and grinding down the heads. hopefully over the week i will be able to get the new skin on and welded in place then i can start to mess around with the door gaps which at the minute are all over the place!

ive also started to buy all the equipment and paint i will need to get the underside of the car totally finished so that i can get it rolling and back round the front of the house!

and finally ive been speaking to ben popham over at carbon weezel about some shiny bits so keep an eye out!


Nice build!

Posted by Diggymart on 11/26/21 @ 8:22:03 PM