Frumpy Gets Some Love by benjy_18

By diyauto
( 2 )

4 minute(s) of a 177 minute read


hello all, quick update.

ive received my UJ's for the steering column now so i can get on and finish that tonight:D

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ill upload some photos later if i manage to get it all in place

well ive got most of the steering collumn together now, i just need to measure up the middle section and weld it in then its finished!

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not been able to do much recently due to work and bad weather and good old british darkness!

but i managed to start on my rear turrets tonight and hopefulyl i can get them in and fitted this weekend (once ive made a new boot floor and fitted a full heelboard)

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more progress today :)

got the opposite door step almost welded in, just a little finishing to do and then weld the front half in.

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i also welded a cap onto the top of my turrets and managed to cut out the hole for it in the drivers rear arch, so i will fit those tomorrow along with the new heelboard.


more progress today, sort of.

i finished off welding in the rear qurter repair but didnt take any photos because it doesnt look any different really.

ive cut out the boot bloor and rear heelboard in preperation for next weekdends work putting in the new heelboard and new boot floor. ive also cut out one arch for the new turret but im going to cut out the other side first before i put the turrets in so that i can ensure they are level

heres a few photos :D

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Nice build!

Posted by Diggymart on 11/26/21 @ 8:22:03 PM