Frumpy Gets Some Love by benjy_18

By diyauto
( 2 )

3 minute(s) of a 177 minute read


got some work done today,

started by blocking off the gear linkage hole in the tunnel as ill be making my own internal lnkage set-up

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then i started to tubb the N/S arch.

i made up a pattern of the inner arch from some welding wire and transferred it to the quarter panel. i next cut slices into the panel as far as the line

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then i bent the slots up to 90 degrees and began to fit the strip of metal to reform the arch

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and one almost finished tubbed arch

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got my subframe back from shot blasting today so i set about welding up everything! because i want to try and smooth it all down and limit any future rust issues.

heres a few pictures of what i managed to get done today before the gas ran out

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spent an hour one the car today when i got home from college, managed to get the rest of the drivers floor fixed so all that is left if the corner of the door step and the part of the outer sill to be replaced and the drivers side is finished

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ill grind down the welds tomorrow and hopefully redrill the subframe mounting holes with the jig that i made up at the start.


Nice build!

Posted by Diggymart on 11/26/21 @ 8:22:03 PM