The Wifes Worst Nightmare 83 Full Resto by Minidarren83

By diyauto
( 3 )

4 minute(s) of a 192 minute read


first update of the week

well it has been a fairly good week so far on the mini ive got most of the drivers floor cut out all the way down to the tunnel just need a final trim with a strait edge then its ready for the new heritage half floor that i picked up of ebay for £41 bargain the only problem is it is for a later mini with the small footwell but i can live with that

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but before the floor goues on i need to tidy up the lower 2-3 inches of the companion bin as this area was pretty crusty and the flange that meets the floor was non existant and over the years of repairs and patches was just ugly so out it came

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i then bashed the piece flat so that o could make a template of it

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Then traced it out on a piece of steel and added the flanges and started cutting out

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i find the best way to cut out a line that is not straight it to follow the line with the grinder or cut off wheel to score the metal and then bend and flex until it snaps off then trim the edges with the sanding disc. i then used a peice of angle and clamped it to the panel and bit by bit hammered over the flanges until they sat flat and did the same for the smaller flange but i forgot to take a pic of this process im sure you can all imagine

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the part was then tacked in and for the curved part i just clamped and tacked as i went to follow the line which turned out better than i could of hoped for although the main section dropped a little when i welded it probably from the heat

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and then fully welded in getting better i think only blew two small holes and the penetration was spot on

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then started the grinding i am more than pleased with how the front turned out and the middle that you wont see didnt drop too much but i need more clamps in the future

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a small skim of filler will be needed this part to make it look perfect but i am happy as larry

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then with a bit of primer on it looks good i will filler when i bare metal this area

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just one more patch on this area then i can start lining up the floor which i should have done by tomorrow so more to come


Wow what a build!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/17/20 @ 10:10:34 PM