Wide Ratio Gearbox And 1380 Engine Build by AndyMiniMad

By diyauto
( 2 )

6 minute(s) of a 171 minute read


So i fitted the doors today and took it for an MOT...Got a puncture on the way and had to stop at Nat tyres to get it fixed so decided to get the tracking done at the same time....The MOT went well..........No advisorys. A clean pass, Perfect!! All ready for the Fintry hill climb, Gravel Sprint and then the Thistle Run, can you gues my number for the Thistle Run??? Magnetic signs £9 Each....Fabby.

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Thought you might be interested to see how the dash turned out after I cut it up and angled the speedo pods so i can see them.

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And while I was in tesco today I came out to find Haggis chatting up this MPI cooper.

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Sooooo today Ive raised the ride hight by 1"and softened the dampers by 3 clicks. What!!!WHY??? I here you screem..... Well no I have not gone totally nuts....its because next weekend is the Thistle run from Blair Drummond Safari Park, up to Fort William. I live in Inverness so ive got a two hour motorway drive just to get to the start line, I figure the extra comfort will be nice. I will of course make the reverse adjustments before the actual run.

I also fitted new spark plugs and adjusted the timing slightly, reset the valve clearances to 16thou, set the mixture a tad leaner and adjusted the tickover. So now Haggis is just about ready for his first proper run after this Epic rebuild. Will take some pics on the run, Im sure a few nice minis will turn up.


Well after a decent run this weekend, I noticed a blow from the exhaust. Whiped off the LCB and yep! its shagged.... Ive welded it up a couple of times before and have been putting off the Phone call to Maniflow for as long as possible. But today was the day it all came to a head. I Made the call this morning and had a nice chat with them. Told them the full spec of the engine and carb, and then they suggested the optimum exhaust set up for my spec, which turns out to be a 1" 7/8 Freeflow LCB with the twin box side exit system. Hope to get it fitted this week ready for the Thistle run at the weekend.


Exhaust bits arrived today, Mmmmmmm I love shiney bits.

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Hope to get it all fitted on saturday.

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I finished work early this week so got time to fit the exhaust to day, First job was to wrap the LCB in this stuff.

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Then I fitted the manifold using a new big bore gasket.

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And then the rest ot the system just slid on, a perfect fit, no wiggling or liggling about, just slid it on and tightened up the clamps.
Sorry about the last pic, but i dont have a ramp so could not get any pics of the underside. But its not very exciting under there really.

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Im off for a scud now so will post a report later on.

Well Im back!! and......Eerrmm....its very quiet!!!! The LCB works well, I would not have believed it if I had not experienced it for myself, Just goes to show a decent exhaust does make a difference. The old exhaust was ultra noisy and the car sounded like it was doing a million miles an hour at twenty. But I have to say im very pleased with the overall results, It really goes well once on cam. Funny thing is though, It used to come on cam at 2500revs..And now it comes on at nearer 3000....Whats all that about?


So today I took some 2000 grit wet and dry to my paint and then a whole bottle of Auto Glym...Not to bad for a home spray job..

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Took all bloody day, and my arms hurt!!!!! But he is ready for the show stand at Kirkhill gala day on saturday. Im running the beer tent.....They must of been mad to let me loose with sooooooo much beer. Hope its a hot day and loads of thirsty people turn up. Its all for a good cause.....

Edit.....2000 grit NOT 200......If you use 200 grit on your paint it will make you cry.....


Had a great time at the Kirkhill Gala on saturday and we sold a record amount of booze!!! (It was very sunny which always helps) "Elvis" made an apperance on the main stage and performed a superb set. Thanks to all you thirsty revellers....The car went down great too. kept having to tell the kids to stop playing with all the switches tho. Went to start it up at the end and every thing was on...Lights, wipers, flashers, fogs, pumps, Aux fans,........well you know what kids are like...but no harm done and they loved crawling all over it.


Nice details!

Posted by Diggymart on 5/20/20 @ 6:21:55 PM