Step By Step Engine Build, No Waffel, Just Building.. by AndyMiniMad

By diyauto
( 2 )

2 minute(s) of a 40 minute read


Right so iv got to the point where I need to shim the idler gear...Now some of you will say..But you should have done that when you had the block and gearbox apart...And you would be correct...However I thought I would show you how its done when your not splitting the engine and box as some people may need to do this without taking the engine completely apart..for example when fitting straight cut drops.

So I started by cleaning all the surfaces, accurate readings are critical! Then I used my depth guage to measure the gap in the transfer housing. I used a steel rule across the housing as a platform.

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The depth turns out to be 1.008"

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Next I measured the thickness of the gasket..

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Its 0.032" which when fitted will sqwoosh down to 0.03"

The thickness of the steel rule is 0.08"

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And the idler gear itself is 0.686"

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So now we can calculate the shim thickness required by adding the depth of the housing to the thickness of the gasket

1.008 + 0.030 = 1.038"

Next we subtract the thicknes of the idler gear 0.686" and the thickness of the steel rule 0.08" from 1.038"

1.038" - 0.686" - 0.08" = 0.272"

So this is the thickness of the shims required to fill the rest of the gap..But we need and end float of 0.004" so Im looking for a couple of shims at 0.268"

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Found a couple that are doesnt matter if one is slightly thicker than the other so long as the total thickness adds up to whats required..

So thats me ready to put it all together..
