Monty the Rwd R1 engined tarmac eating Minus by Alburglar

By diyauto
( 2 )

2 minute(s) of a 160 minute read


Made a really lightweight rear screen today, but it was a little flimsy and visibility was poor

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So I had to make it out of perspex. It might seem odd to do it like this but my main aim was lightweight and easily removable for trackside access. It is still covered in masking tape at the mo (obviously), and eventually I will rivet some Anchor nuts in and use some nice button head bolts.

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Cheers Lee. It can be unscrewed at any time.
Got one side window done but ran out of perspex to do the other one.

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Also looked at making a collapsable steering coloumn joint out of an old allegro item, but the shaft of the allegro bit is too long.

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Does anyone know if this will knock through like a roll pin? Because then I can simply join the two ends together.

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Very cool build!

Posted by Diggymart on 2/5/20 @ 8:09:06 PM