Monty the Rwd R1 engined tarmac eating Minus by Alburglar

By diyauto
( 2 )

3 minute(s) of a 160 minute read


Still moving along in kiddie steps at the moment. I have decided that it may be fiddly but overall it would be better to lay fibreglass mat and resin over the exposed floor in one sheet, rather than seal in the 'step' pieces I made up and then lay mat to meet sealed in pieces.
I have cut the mat to shape, but it is too cold for the resin to set properly at the moment. i reckon it needs to be about 10 or 15 degreres before I can start work again. I'm quite frustrated.

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Wrapped the manifold too. Just thinking about sound deadning options for the bulkhead now, preferably self adhesive and heat relfective too. Anyone got any recommendations.

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Scratched my head for a bit today because under the roll cage the wood had bit been cut open by the grinder when cutting the rear bench out. I hadn't noticed it before because it was obscured by the roll cage. I toyed with filling the gaps with fibre rope and resin but it would have been awkward. I n the end I filled the cuts with poly foam and cut off the excess once it had cured, so the floor is 100% ready to be started now - bought some fibreglass tissue to do the edges nicely.

Also made up a nice loom with the required resistors in to get the fuel display on the digi dash working. I've left the two stray ends for when I wire it in properly.

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I tested it and it now has a real nice transition from empty to full - hooray at last! Many thanks to those who helped with the resistor ratings.

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Very cool build!

Posted by Diggymart on 2/5/20 @ 8:09:06 PM