Morris, The Mini Moke! - 56k Warning by liirge

By diyauto
( 5 )

3 minute(s) of a 73 minute read


Ok, having a bout of Insomnia, so decided i would do an update. The rear Subframe is now completely built up, and although not photographed, has wheels on it. The Front subframe, now has an engine mounted upon it, Yipee. The engine has finally been put back together i had some serious difficulties in getting the clutch to centralise, so i enlisted the help of a family friend, Mr. Torode, who has been doing this for years, and needless to say had everything running ship shape in a matter of minutes!! my savior. Thanks alot for all his help. he also recomended looking at the timing chain, and replacing an oil seal there that i didnt even know about. so hopefully she'll only leak a little bit.
The engine, has had its first coat of paint, as obviously seen in the photographs, a certain amount of work still needs to be done, and i dont recommend my artistic skills to anyone.
The pictures of the body show just a fraction of the work that has been done, and i hope to have that back at the end of the week.

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But will it make its MOT on th 8th of May!!!!!


Great build!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/7/20 @ 9:25:46 PM

I love this build!

Posted by stafirre on 9/28/16 @ 5:17:13 PM