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Das boot
Or a start on it, at least. Doing all that by hand is a nightmare. So rest assured, we have/will spent quite some time putting your name/business/organization crookedly hand painted on there.
Still gotta finish the names, collect any we missed, and age it appropriately.
Well, most names are on it unless we have forgotten someone.
Still gotta age it, though
Ohhhh I must have mistook that 1x1 inch for "1x1 foot."
I always get those mixed up.
Planning on legally driving it today. We are interested to see the public reaction to the car. And how much we scrape the frame on. We'd really like to go lower, but with the frame already hanging an inch or two lower than the body, it would be pushing it.
Thanks! That means a lot. We are having a lot of fun with it and want others to enjoy it too. Hopefully soon we will be able to do a legit photoshoot. Just have to finish the flamethrowers first.
Shiny classics in every corner?
Zero ****s given.
Thanks! It's been a lot of work to get it to its first show. It's an attention grabber, for sure.
From sitting here for 20 years:
To here a year and a few months later:
I'm pretty proud to have it sitting here today.
It hasn't been inspected yet, but that's no big deal. So far we've put 25 miles on it today.
So... We won the two biggest prizes at the show haha
OnStar mirror. Useful for when we break down.
Useful for hookers and blow. And exhaust that we haven't done.
Claude's Mach 1 was a top ten pick
Horrible picture of a printed picture, but I thought it was funny when I picked up the local newspaper and saw this on the front page.

Great name Grandpa’s Dinosaur!
Posted by Diggymart on 10/11/20 @ 2:03:57 AM

Great name Grandpa’s Dinosaur!
Posted by Diggymart on 10/11/20 @ 2:03:55 AM
I remember watching this car come together, such classic lines.
Posted by MPower on 10/12/20 @ 2:16:51 PM