V3.2 build (F2 procharger , 427, etc. ) by 1dirtyz

By stevegolf
( 1 )

6 minute(s) of a 341 minute read


the 2-1/4" bends i ordered came in , so i started working on the new headers . first order of business was to make a mock up header out of some PVC pipe and bends . i had to use 45 deg bends all though the mock up phase cause they follow the real header tube bend nicely . i also put the plug wires on so that i can work around them and insure easy plug access.

here is the begining of the process, i started from the #8 primary and worked my way forward:

and thats when i ran out of elbows

any how , after looking all over the place at headers today i decided to modify the routing i have right now , the difference will be that the # 6 primary will be on top of the #8 primary where they go horizontal , and #4 will be closer to the block and closer to #8. that way i get better primary tube length and all i have to do is route #2 forward then down.

more to come as soon as the plumber calls

more plumbing details

i rerouted the hoses to see if it would work that way and it did . i get primarries with less variation in length than the previous design. here is how the second incarnation looks :

and here is how it is after screwing everything inplace :

another thing to note is that i changed the collector angle , initially i had it at about a 45 degree angle (refrencing from the face of the block) , but it was somewhat of a hassle so i changed it and made it parallel to the face of the block ( pointing to the sides at a 90 deg angle from the face of the car):

i'm still on the fence on the collector angle , but either way , having made the PVC header gave me a proof of concept and now i know what to avoid,,, plus if ever we start running these cars on water instead of gas i'll be set !

so , next step is to decide on the collector location and figuring a way to fix it there so it doesn't move when i'm fitting the tubes.


so i moved over to the driver side to see how to tackle it , i started once more from the rearmost (#7 primary) and worked forwards. the plan is to have #7 & #5 primaries tuck as close as possible to the block to clear the steering shaft .

here is how the mockup looks :

and here are the madrel bends i ordered :

i also was planning on using these header welding rings , makes lining up and welding tubes much easier , but after some consideration i decided to just use tack welds instead :

and as the wise man once said : the journey of a thousand welds begins with a single tack weld

and here is how far i got (don't mind the middle primary it fell out of the port as i was taking the pic ) :

so far i got most of the first few bends of the rear cylinders on both sides , next up i'll have to place the collectors in place and find a way to mount them so that the don't move during the fitment process .

wish me luck


some progress today :

i have #7 and #3 pretty much done , i just need to trim a small peice from the #7 primary to make it fit just right

the plan is to finish the driver side which is the hard side and then move to the pass. side .
