New 1157 "Plasma" LED Taillight Bulbs: Friggin' Bright! by .:BLitZ:.

By diyauto
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3 minute read

New 1157 "Plasma" LED Taillight Bulbs: Friggin' Bright!

Compliments of .:BLitZ:. @


I know there's been a fair amount of discussion on this forum about the pros and cons of switching to LED taillight bulbs. This is a concept that many of us in the Cougar crowd have been intrigued by for a while, but no product has really been good enough to justify a change... until now. Check out these "Plasma" LED bulbs that are a direct, plug-and-play replacement for your incandescent taillight bulbs.

Here's a scientific test I did using identical exposure settings to show the difference in brightness:

Since our taillights are one of the most eye-catching, defining features on our cars, it stands to reason that we like the idea of them being bright. Well, these new bulbs are BRIGHT. We have to give thanks to a customer of ours who hooked us up with the source of these bulbs, in China of course. Because of that, we're able to sell these cheaper than the older tower-style LED bulbs that I dismissed in my little video test I did earlier this year.

We did a new video test this week at Brian A.'s place (thanks again Brian!) with a lineup of three first-gen Cougars. Check it out:

So that pretty much sums it up. They're bright! We're selling a six-back of bulbs here.

They are plug-and-play for 1967-68, but for 69-73 you'll need to change over to the solid state flasher unit, as well as [probably] the solid state sequential unit. We're still gathering information on what's needed. Feel free to chime in, those of you who are electrically inclined.
