1988 scirocco project (shortened bumpers too) by JonnyPhenomenon

By diyauto
( 3 )

2 minute(s) of a 386 minute read


wooo! steroids and antibiotics make poison ivy better. 

mental note: next time I get poison ivy, Im not gonna wait over a week before I see a doctor. 


ahh, good question. I started to try to explain, but my pics are all pretty bad so i decided to sketch up a little diagram.

compare this drawing with the two pictures below it to get an idea of how I did this. if you have one of these motors in hand it might make more sense.

I apologize for not having any better pics. 

let me know if you have any questions.



got my seats all finished. now all I need to do is cover the door cards.

who wants to buy a set of rocco seats with red inserts?? they are mint, and come with door cards too. 

these would look absolutely sick in a black rocco, and pretty sweet in a silver one.... they just didnt look good in my LY3D rocco.  
