The Full-Frame Restoration of my 93 RSP, rebuilt from the ground up by J. Cooper

By diyauto
( 3 )

4 minute(s) of a 51 minute read


^^^LOL thanks MGM! Im sure you guys have some sick rides down in FL that come through.

-------------OK... WHERE DO I START...

For everyone who has shown both good and bad support throughout all of this, and for you all who have actually kept track, I have to Thank You very much. Without the motivation, networking, suggestions, etc., I would have never went this far with the restoration... Everyone who sees this car in person has said that this is going to be the Standard for which MKIV Supras will eventually be looked at/compared to for Full Frame-Off Restorations. I just tell them that I wanted a brand new Supra lol. Everyone who has worked on the car, has gone WAY over my expectations and EVERYONE has done a lot of favors for me even though I didn't ask them to, so Thank you very much for everything thus far. Top notch people working on this project A+++ ... I just wish I had more time to help with all of it. However, like BLP stated: "Cooper is no rich kid, he is a US Marine". I saved up and networked for YEARS to have this done. So I guess patience is the lesson here.

Enough rambling...

UPDATE: The Supra is going to take a little longer than everyone planned. Now that she is back from paint, the tediousness of putting all the brand new, nickle plated bolts, RSP pieces, Carbon Fiber pieces, etc. back on her is going to have to take some time, and can't be rushed. With all the pieces that still have to get sent out for some additional surprises, I foresee a new completion date around mid August - and thats IF nothing screws up with shipping everything to the chromer and back.

ALL IN ALL... like everyone has said, something like this takes time to do. I put a rush on getting her completed because I was being selfish and really, just wanted to drive her. (plus, its really the only car I own besides my beater back in Japan, gotta get a truck and trailer now when I move back to the US next March. FML.)

IF we were to assemble her right now, we would still have to take all the polished pieces back out of the engine bay later down the road, re-polish them (again), and send them to a shop that does Black Chrome; so basically just wasting more money when I can just be patient and get it done right, the first time, right now... who cares if I dont get to drive her yet. I will get to eventually, some day, and it will be exactly how I want it to be instead of just throwing it back together (rushing) and risking the chance of overlooking something.

So I decided that I want BLP to take their time with her, and no more "timelines" per say.



Lol... thanks man! Just wait... ill post some better ones in just a minute...

Ok so come to find out the camera I was using was not that great, but here are a few new pics to show some progress...

I am also working on a small documentary video that I did with BLP while I was home on the restoration of this vehicle.


Sick, definitely a dream car for me!

Posted by CCmyVW on 12/26/20 @ 4:20:50 PM

Wow great build!

Posted by Diggymart on 12/12/19 @ 7:33:05 PM