Binjoau's 09 WRX MPS long rod-GTX35R Build Thread by binjoau

By diyauto
( 2 )

4 minute(s) of a 278 minute read



well the noise is still there, car drives fine, also having some issues trying to get the MAF tables right for the e-tune. For some reason they are a bit erratic, dropping well in the - correction range when at low MAF voltage.

Hopefully it is workable..... I am thinking that the slapping sound could be bad because its -30c here right now. Maybe the piston isnt getting a chance to fully expand or something

doing a compression test today, will also try and get a video up today, im hoping its a belt tensioner or something

i am using the stock maf

well checked my oil today, still clear and only slightly darkened, nothing out of the ordinary for 600kms.

Also checked the compression on the passenger side of the block (where i thought the noise was coming from), both read 109 and 108 psi.

Going to check the belt now, then il get a video up. I will check the driver side compression but its a big bitc to get to the plugs!

yes i will be taking it down to ams in chicago or lightspeed innovations on calgary. Hoping for around 365whp on 93 oct. If this block holds up il be doing new head internals, springs, cams etc, then look into going rotated and up to 450whp would be nice!!


passenger front 109

passenger rear 108

drivers front 111

drivers rear 109

No problems there, plugs seem fine. Perhaps the engine is just noisy? Never owned a built motor before, the noise is just through about 1000 rpm to 2500rpm, after that it is not audable. Im thinking if it were rod knock it would have destroyed the motor by now (600+ kms on it)


il get a hot test done tomorrow and re-post


well the noise was....................... an exhaust leak!!!!!

Ugh how stupid but thats what it was lol


Well..... felt the boost today!! Fixed another leak on the intercooler and got to start doing 2nd gear pulls to tune the car.

All I can say is WOW! This turbo pull hard! Hitting peak boost about 3650rpm and the redline appears very very quickly!

More tuning tomorrow, just hope this bit f snow melts as there is no grip at all!


Car was fixed, drove great, did a few pulls, developed rod knock and is now screwed.


yeah im gutted to be honest. Its a shame because the car was going so great. I wonder if there is a way to find out exactly what caused it? The tune was good im sure, running an 11:1 AFR at peak boost. I know there have been problems with some RAW blocks and bearing issues.

Just sucks I threw away 2k on a shortblock for it to fail like this. Ugh you have to pay to play I guess. I did notice the motor was quite clacky / noisy but it drove great for 2k with no issues. Wonder if i bought a used one that was on its way out and it just gave up.

I did get a few videos of it today though before it went pop, sounds so sweet!



honestly at this point im feeling pretty fed up. After talkeing with Phil from element we are looking at either having them repair my current shortblock which best case scenario is going to cost about $3600 or cough up 4k for a new element tuning shortblock.

Both options are expensive and its cash i just dont have right now. I am tempted to try and rebuil it myself but the problem is if i spend 2500 and parts and f it up then im out even more. Lots of hard work and hard decisions ahead.......
