And in rolls the SaaBeeru ... by Bradcr

By diyauto
( 4 )

2 minute(s) of a 145 minute read


Stayed up waaay too late, but hopefully another Saabaru benefits from it. Finally a how-to for those of us looking for an FMIC solution :


After last week being so heavy with performance work, I decided to get back on some appearance work. First I did the cabin filter swap, which wasn't near as dirty as I expected. Finally read through the explanations on using a magic eraser on the leather and was able to take my seats from this:

To this:

It's stunning how many blemishes it takes out, got nearly as good a result on the fronts too. 

Next I decided to take it down to show at Import Faceoff, but when the show starts at 10 and you leave your place at 1, you're not exactly gonna be eligible. Was content to just mess around and get some shots with the Sadsaab:


Car looks great! Nice shifter.

Posted by Diggymart on 1/31/19 @ 4:23:34 PM