911 Carrera RallyCross Project

( 5 )

7 minute(s) of a 245 minute read


I made a closer inspection of the gear sets today. Looks like 1st on the main shaft is worn pretty bad. How do we fix that? The rest of them look OK, to me. Are they?

I also got the diff out. Looks like he only issue in there is a missing magnet pick for the speedo ring. Repairable?

I won't get till work on it again till next year but I'm not sure what to do next anyway.


Happy New Year everyone. Feels like I've been away from the car for a month yet it's less than a week. Strange.

Tonight I got to look more closely at first gear on the main shaft. I'm concerned this might be worn. What do you think? Doesn't photograph well though.

Then I got to disassemble the pinion shaft.

I gave everything a quick once over and found a few issues. Here's one obvious problem. I don't think that ring is supposed to be around the dog teeth like that and those bent bits used to be inside it!

I'll post more issues tomorrow if I get chance.


Today I did more research, separated the syncros on 1st and 2nd, inspected the rest of the components and drew up a parts list.

The first thing I have decided today is that 1st gear is not worn out. I don't think it is pristine but at $2500 it better fall out of the car and onto the road if it wants replacing. I looked at pictures on line of others and they do look very similar so it stays. Get used to it.

So I managed to disassemble the syncro rings on 1st and 2nd. Those snap rings are pretty tough. You can see the carnage on 1st, 2nd doesn't look too bad.

I'm going to replace everything associated with these two gears, except the gears themselves. I just need a tool to get the dog teeth rings off.

I then looked over the main shaft gears. I've decided to leave these alone as, in my opinion they look pretty good and I've never had any issues shifting 3 to 5,

So here is the parts list so far. Did I miss anything?

1st gear brake band (37)
1st gear dog teeth
1st gear synchro ring (39)
1st/2nd shift hub (41)
1st/2nd shift sleeve (42)
2nd gear brake band (37)
2nd gear dog teeth
2nd gear synchro ring (39)
accelerator pivot bushing (13)
Main shaft lock nut
Pinion shaft lock nut
Transmission Cover O-Ring
Transmission Gasket Set
dog tooth ring tool

There's also a few engine pieces to replace and add a new cutch cable and helper spring. I still have to decide if I'm upgrading the clutch and whether or not to install an LSD. Running out of time not to mention money.


Parts have begun to show up

Kitty thought there was a bird in here.

Maybe one of these magnets will work in my speedo ring.

Still need Dog tooth rings before we can proceed. Due here tomorrow so a busy weekend ahead. I wonder if I can get the transmission all back together before Monday.


Removed the dog tooth rings from first and second with the Porsche took. Started to clean parts and reassemble the pinion shaft.

Hope to have the box back together tomorrow.


Got the new dogs pressed on at Auto Europe.

Beginning to look like a gearbox again.


Wow what a build! Thanks for sharing!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/7/19 @ 3:39:29 PM