911 Carrera RallyCross Project

( 5 )

10 minute(s) of a 245 minute read


Twelve months ago to the day we took delivery of this fine 84 Carrera with a view to turning into a Rothmans 911 SC/RS tribute and to RallyCross the wheels off it. Well, if you've been following this thread you'll know it's been an interesting year with a few ups and downs but we can now declare this project COMPLETE.

We still intend developing it further as a RallyCross monster but as far as the initial goals of the project go, we have reached them. The car has been a joy to both drive and work on and there has been some work to do. You may remember the torsion bar breaking after just a couple of miles of ownership. Then the alternator failed and there was that oil leak necessitating the removal of the engine. But the highs have more than made up for the lows and, to be honest, fixing these issues was part of the fun.

Just a week after replacing the torsion bars the car scored its first RallyCross victory in essentially stock form. It went on the win every RallyCross it ran in and the Detroit SCCA RallyCross Championship. A co-driver took it to second place in almost as many events and the championship as well. What a car! It's also showed its prowess in ice racing and autocross and has proven no end of fun on two or three track days as well. Last week it completed its first TSD rally without missing a beat.

Here's a little montage of its development throughout the year.

Of course we will continue to improve the car especially as we will now be competing in Modified class. A class the car has already been successful in on two occasions by the way. Look out for further weight reduction and performance tweaks during 2014 and also maybe the cars replacement (or partner) Stay tuned.

Thanks for all the help and advice from the forum members

Enjoy the holidays.


We continued to take some weight out of the car this past week. It's kind of fun concentrating on these free mods. Feels like cheating though my wife did say I'd ruined another perfectly good car. She might have a point LOL.

Managed to remove the stubborn seat belt latch allowing removal of the seat bases and carpet.

This revealed water damage in the seat pans. Fortunately it's not too bad. Nothing a little POR15 can't handle.

Looks like another 30lbs gone.

This insulation residue will be fun to remove. NOT.

An angle grinder with wire brush reduced it to this.

Just need to remove the glue now but first RALLYCROSS

Not exactly your typical suburban driveway but I guess not everyone has a RallyCross tomorrow.


I finally beat my co-driver


We've been cracking on with tidying up the rear of the car we stripped a few weeks ago. It was a bit of a chore but is complete now. We had to wait for a gap in the schedule as we had to remove the seats, harness bar and harnesses to get back there but we managed it.

The first thing we had to address was this surface rust from a yet to be found water leak.

We hit it with a wire brush and some rust treatment.

The next challenge was to remove the old dry glue residue. We tried many solvent products but settled on decal remover, a scraper and many, many Scotch pads (not shown) as the best solution. It took a while as working in the confined space with the chemicals required many tea breaks.

Once it was cleaned up we brushed on a couple of coats of Rustoleum and job done.

We only did the rear for now. There's not much weight savings to be gained in the front and it's less beneficial than what we removed from the rear. Plus there's a lot of stuff to deal with to get at everything so it can wait for now. We did clean up the transmission coupling cover by applying a sheet of carbon fibre look vinyl. I know it's pretentious but its the holidays.

If anyone can make use of the parts we removed let me know. Most of it is in at least serviceable condition.


After the diet the car's been one we thought it might be an idea to weigh it again so we drove it onto the four post lift and onto the scales.

and added 150lbs of driving gravel.

New total weight 2632lbs and that's with the rally wheels on. Last time we got 2705lbs with the autocross wheels on, about 40lbs lighter than this setup.

We also managed to improve the weight distribution by jacking up one of the front torsion bars. Can you tell which one?

We also had a go at aligning the car with strings. That went pretty well too.


Feels like we haven't updated this thread for a while and that we haven't worked on the car. Well it's been just a few weeks and when I look at find we've done many. many small jobs and a couple of events. I'm blaming the holidays. So what have we been up to? Well:

We cleaned it. Bought an iPhone holder. Replaced a few noisy blowers with less noisy ones.

Tried some thinner oil as we can't get the oil temperature up in these cold winters days.

Did a RallyCross and a TSD

Got it buried.

Replaced the sliders on the drivers seat and added sliders to the passenger seat.

Put the big battery back in as the car is going to be a zero car at Sno*Drift rally and needs to start in the morning.

Swapped out the Winterforce tires for some Nokians as we seem to see a lot more ice than cold mud and snow.

And removed the radio as we needed somewhere to mount a switch for the lights.

This weekend we will take the car up to be a course opening vehicle at the Sno*Drift rally than, on the way home, we'll hit an ice race on Sunday. Should be a great long weekend.


Wow what a build! Thanks for sharing!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/7/19 @ 3:39:29 PM