911 Carrera RallyCross Project

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3 minute(s) of a 245 minute read


So we got the car on the hoist after the RallyCross to check it. No leaks or damage to report. Due to the dry conditions it wasn't even dirty, just a bit of dust. We took the air cleaner out to see if any dust was getting through or past the filter. I'd say "no" though the outside of the filter itself was quite dusty.

While it was on the hoist we finished the blue vinyl on the rear bumpers. This meant taking off the rubber overriders. Man, they weigh 12lbs each! It hurt to put them back on but rules are rules. Next year they are coming off. Graphics are now complete with the exception of a few sponsor decals. Not that BFG sponsor us or anything. Car just needs a few more decals. Pictures at the Pontiac Silverdome Autocross that we didn't do.

Next, in preparation for the local track day at Waterford Hills we replaced the flexible brake lines and flushed the brake fluid. We used ATE BLUE because it's illegal but awesome.

Then we took the car to Auto Europe for a PCA inspection. "When was the brake fluid last changed sir?" "Er, 20 minutes ago." "That'll do nicely."

Trackday was fun, cool weather, no rain, lots of track time, no drama. Just what you'd want. No on track video or pictures unfortunately. Just this:

Oh, there was one momentous event; the car turned over 100,000 miles while on track. Neglected to get a picture of that till the paddock, eight miles later.

Opportunities to thrash the car are diminishing for the season. RallyCross continues through the winter and, if winter is winter there should be some ice racing too. Will be attending a few more car meets and shows through Fall to make up for the lack of racing though. If the car survives them it might free up some time to work on our Quattro this winter. It's been usurped by this wonderfully idiosyncratic beast lately.



Wow what a build! Thanks for sharing!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/7/19 @ 3:39:29 PM