911 Carrera RallyCross Project

( 5 )

3 minute(s) of a 245 minute read


On Saturday we took the car to round 3 of Detroit's RallyCross series for 2013. This was the first event that wasn't sloppy mud or snow and ice so was something of a new experience being dry and dusty. The final phase of a week of firsts for the car: first autocross, first track day and now first non-slippery dirt.

Based on an old horse racing oval the course consists of sandy rockck dirt on one saide and more grassy loam on the other. The organizers, anticipating plenty of grip designed a tight and twisty course to keep the speeds down and challenge the driver. Perfect for the agile 911.

As usual I shared the car with Scott Harvey Jr. based on the adage "If you can't beat them at least let them beat you in your car". Scott's dad was a national level professional driver back in the day. My dad was a carpenter so all things considered I think I doo pretty well just to keep up. After 4 frantic runs in the morning and four more controlled efforts in the afternoon we finished just 5 seconds apart with Scott and his genes in first place and me in seconds. Five seconds is just two and half of the four cone penalties I accrued during my runs. Just have to be more precise with the car I guess.

Here's some iPhone video footage, mostly of the starts.



Wow what a build! Thanks for sharing!

Posted by Diggymart on 1/7/19 @ 3:39:29 PM