My RX7/Rotary projects... formerly My Blk base build up.. by Herblenny

By diyauto
( 4 )

8 minute(s) of a 569 minute read


Now to my response to the others... and bit of explanation to clear things up.

I'm not disagreeing with some of you who stated that the rear needed to be lowered... It does. The problem I had are the following.. I didn't get the shell til 8 days before I departed for SEMA... and I had 6 days to put the car to be ready to be seen at SEMA. 6 days to put a car from absolutely nothing on it (when I say nothing, no windshields, no panels, no interior, etc).

And I left the coilovers up so loading and unloading the car I wouldn't damage the diffusers (front and rear). But when I got to SEMA, something wasn't right.. the rear would not go down. I've spent 6-8 hours over the 3 days trying to lower the rear thinking I might of done something wrong.. But after calling Stance, and getting a tip from them, we realized they put a different height springs on the rear. Hence the abnormal gap. 

The rears are now off the car and already shipped to Stance USA.

Now you guys know the truth about the gap.. and now to the comments about cost, not being up to the standard, etc. etc.

Not all of you know who I am... I live in a modest house and I'm no means make '****' load of money as some have put it in the past. I do have to save up like most of you to build cars and I do that by giving up stuff. I gave up drinking 10 years or so and stopped smoking 6 years ago. I don't go out buying all things new and I had this goal to build a 3 Rotor FD since I moved to Bham, AL just over 10 years. This project didn't happen over night and it took years of preparation.. I didn't just hire my fabricator, engine builder, or painter just by opening up a car magazine or a phone book but over the year experience with them, them understanding my goal, and their desire to work with me. They are in my opinion top of their class, not just locally but in this country. 

Ultimately, I'm building it for my taste and input and ideas of those who are helping. I don't need input from the whole community but maybe select few that I know their credentials. But ultimately, because its my car, I have the final word of saying OK or not. That said, I wasn't just born on this forum couple of years ago or building my first FD... I've seen what goes on this forum and respect or lack of respect that are passed on in different form. I would like to be respected but at the same time I realize that ultimately only select few's opinion matters and rest, well, it really doesn't. That said, don't think I don't respect your opinions... I just realized its what it is, a personal opinion and taste. I might hate sushi (just an example) but you love it. It doesn't mean I have to conform to your liking and have to love it. Its what it is... and I myself pending mood might like something that I normally might not like... ie, I get in a mood for thai instead of BBQ.. For that reason, I have 2 more FDs that I'm building it in a different way. MB will now becoming my track car and will start doing some track days next year and my SSM will be the stock/rare Mazda/Mazdaspeed car (not quite stock). I also have a goal to turn the Eunos Cosmo into VIP car and get it repainted next 2 years. And I have a daily sedan to haul my dog and a kid. Its what it is... Hope no hard feelings for any of you and lets move on.. I'll continue to put my progress and if you want to chime in go ahead.. If its opinion based, I'll read it but don't expect a response. If its technical and I have time to answer, I'll answer. But just as I'll try my best to not say negative stuff on other people's build threads, if you guys would do that same, I would appreciate it... Because there are times, I'll blow up reading someone's comment on here... just because I feel like it

Oh Boy... I'm grabbing a bag of popcorn in my own damn thread..

DeeSan, Not sure if you actually had experience with REAL JDM parts but they do not have 99% fit nor finish. Most of the labor cost on my car was actually spent on getting the fit and finish to near perfect... even then, its close but not perfect (98%..  ). Rmagic head lights did not fit well and it required quite a bit of 'tweaking'. As someone who has put various body parts, oem 99 parts, etc and seeing how hard it is to go from say 90% to 98%, it requires people with experience and attention to details. I actually when to Goolsby Customs telling them that my number one concern was fit and finish.. less the gaps, get rid of all the waves from FG, etc. Hence my shop Goolsby Customs won at SEMA last year and did a car for headline vendor at SEMA, Lokar this year.

That being said, I don't discredit those doing Stance, show, track, etc... As I always preached in the past to those asking for my advice, you should build your car based on your goal.. either being slammed to the ground to be in trend, performance oriented to do tracks, reliability mods for daily, money saving mods because you are on a budget, or show car based to show off at show events. Its based on what makes you happy and what type of crowd you hang out. At the end, respect for each other should be given... So, Lets stop and move on... 

No more stance vs. track talk please!

LOL! Even with a "HUGE" rear gap, it still made it on Stance Nation


My New Wheels should arrive today and new set of Toyo R888s have already arrived!! 

I've been also doing some research about wheels for the past 3 months and will share some input about wheels later..


My new set of wheels..


Thanks! Can't wait to see yours finished! 

I had a chance to mount the tires.

Wheels and tires about to mate




Paint is AMG Imola Grey Metallic, BASF Glasurit.... and painted by world class painter, Jonathan Goolsby @ Goolsby Customs - Custom cars and collision. 

I'm bias but its by far one of the best paint job I have seen on an FD or any import


few updates..

Defi Cluster mounted..

and tested

And another photo from sema I found..
