Build Or DIE Trying! a 1993 FD story by Tem120

By diyauto
( 1 )

2 minute(s) of a 128 minute read


ok so after that did the rest of the prepwork to primer the car down . 

even though the paint didnt look bad and was insfact new it was stained in certain areas and those stains wouldnt come off so I just said hell with it .. I'm building hte car from scratch i might as well paint it a color I truly love.... 

Welll when I can that is ..

and here it is after primer 

 everything is held together with nothing really not even a bolt hahI just wanted to dream about what my car would look like 

Emptying out the fuel tank

the gauge said it was at empty but I wanted to clean it anyways . So I emptied it , put some fresh gas in , 

Replaced the Fuel filter.. Something i am dreading ... from the bottom of my heart doing again . 

and put some new Fuel in , took it out again , and a bit of new gas in again just to keep something in there keep water from collecting .

OEM wheels in the front , 19's in the back .. damn I hated this LOL , But my friend painted them so they atleast looked the same color

Also replaced all the boots for the steering rack and other rubbery misc stuff
