Build Or DIE Trying! a 1993 FD story by Tem120

By diyauto
( 1 )

3 minute(s) of a 128 minute read



Car is Back together 90% as of last night , and today will be a test drive to see and check for everything . i'm scared and excited .. I took a pic this morning since it was to dark last night .


CAR back together 

145 miles into the break in at a friend's place 3 fd's in one location 


It was short lived unfortunately car has been flooding when ever I shut it off . so I'm going to start to take it down and check the injectors make sure if they are leaking or not .


Well I did have a leaky injector , But it didnt end up being the root of the issue , builder pulled the motor and fixed the issue .. 

I got done with the break in , and started going into more boost now . LOL tunning for it and such , 

sofar what I've noticed is the ports may of been to big , I should of gone with a small street port car really doesnt come alive as early as it used to . even with the twins . 

3500 with the stock ports the car moved , now it sorta luls there until its over 4500 . But everything else is pretty good . I guess I'll just live with it LOL 

a couple hiccups here and there . LOL 

One thing I got to paint my wheels , I was getting tired of the bronze , so my friend Dliverance hooked me up with a plastidip paintjob . 

That picture was from a quick sunday cruise to some restaurant 150 miles away.. hah break in miles .

sofar apart from the car lacking in low end , which honestly I guess isnt really TERRIBLE and a leaky water pump cover everything 's good .

ANd waiting on 1 hose to complete my dual oil cooler kit so I'm going nuts waiting for that . 

BUT the real test comes this sunday . Where I plan to run the car at its first auto-x its been a long 9 months . I'm probably going to be rusty ! hah
